Group Survival in a SHTF Scenario


A group's survival depends largely on the ability to organize activity. An emergency situation or SHTF scenario does not bring people together for a common goal initially, but rather the more difficult and confusing the situation, the greater are the group’s problems can be

Groups Morale

High morale must come from internal cohesiveness and not merely through external pressure. The moods and attitudes can become wildly contagious. Conscious, well-planned organization and leadership on the basis of delegated or shared responsibility often can prevent panic. High group morale has many advantages.

  1. An individual feels strengthened and protected since he realizes that his survival may depend on others whom he trusts.
  2. The group can meet failure with greater persistency.
  3. The group can formulate goals to help each other face the future.

Factors that Influence Group Survival. There are numerous factors that will influence whether a group can successfully survive.

  • Organization of Manpower Organized action is important to keep all members of the group informed; this way the members of the group will know what to do and when to do it, both under ordinary circumstances and in emergencies.

  • Selective Use of People In well-organized groups, the person often does the job that most closely fits his personal abilities and skill level

  • Acceptance of Suggestion and Criticisms The senior man must accept responsibility for the final decision, but must be able to take suggestion and criticisms from others.

  • Consideration of Time On-the-spot decisions that must be acted upon immediately usually determine survival success.

  • Check Survival Gear Failure to check you survival gear and equipment can result in failure to survive.

  • Survival Knowledge and Survival Skills Confidence in one's ability is increased by acquiring survival knowledge and Survival skills.


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